Simplified Repair Process
Report the Issue:
Let us know about the problem with your device by filling out the Get a Quote form on our website or by calling/WhatsApp at 87609369. You can also visit our main office for a free diagnosis.
Send us the Device:
If you can't visit us, fill out our Pickup & Delivery Form to have your device collected. Make sure to pack it securely. Alternatively, drop off your device at our main office.
Technician Inspection:
Our technicians will inspect your device and inform you of any additional issues found during diagnosis. We won't proceed without your approval.
Repair Process:
Once diagnosed, we'll swiftly resolve the issue. If any new problems arise during repair, we'll notify you for approval before proceeding.
Confirm and Pay:
We'll inform you when the repair is complete. Walk-in customers can pay with cash, PayNow, PayLah, or GooglePay. Online customers can use PayNow.
Receive the Device:
After receiving your device, if you encounter any issues, contact us immediately. Our repairs are covered under warranty. We appreciate feedback, so feel free to leave a review.