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Postal Boxes

The Pickup & Delivery Process

Fill in the form

To get started, fill in the details below on the pickup & delivery form. Select the day available let us know if there is any time available or to avoid. Do WhatsApp to us if you wish to cancel as once in the database, the driver will schedule and pickup the devices on that day. There is no payment needed. all payments are made when the device is ready to be delivered back.

Rider/Driver Process 

Once filled in, the rider/driver will receive the copy details. They will pick up/deliver on the date ou have selected and the duration are from 10 am - 5 PM. Weather and traffic may disturb the meeting time, we request for customer’s patience. “Power Fix Pte Ltd” does not apply a warranty for pickup & delivery service. Extra charges apply if there rework or resent of repair that needs to be done. Do take note not to provide AC cable, Controller, Charger, game card, game disc, memory card, and other accessories unless it's also damaged or required for diagnosis.


For Collection

Once the rider/driver has collected, they will make their way to our office. Once arrives, we will login to our database and send customers a copy of the repair forms. This is to indicate your device is with us. Will join the queue for diagnosis. Once diagnosed, we will notify the damage, charges, and duration.

For Delivery

We will contact the customer and let them know the device repair status (was repaired or not) and let them know when it will be delivered. Will then forward the customer the UEN number to make payment. Payment is to be made before delivery is made. Customers may request pictures or videos that it was tested and repaired.

Once arrived

Do check if it's the correct device. The rider/driver will not be able to help test the device. If customers wish to test, the Rider/Driver can wait 5 mins max before leaving.

Pickup & Delivery Forms

Pickup & Delivery will most like to be around 10AM-5PM. If there are any special request, do fill in the text below.

Pickup & Delivery charges:
1 Way - $30
2 Way - $40
2 Way - $60 (iMac/Desktop)
Express Pickup & Delivery $50
Do not submit on same day, won't be able to schedule the slots unless express services.

If timing and relocation clash, we will contact to reschedule.

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